How to Keep Pests Out of Your Holiday Decorations In Queen Creek


It’s time for the holidays in Queen Creek, and you're finally unpacking your holiday decor from the attic. As you rip the tape that loosely covers the cardboard box, you notice a few peculiarities. Brown capsule-shaped droppings cover the box. The pungent smell of urine hits your nose. Your old ornaments begin to move. A snout pops out from under the pile of decorations. Rats!

Pests gravitate toward homes during the holidays, invading with your assistance in boxes, or entering your home to escape the frigid conditions. Spiders, rats, and mice frequently invade homes during the holidays as frigid weather pervades the winter months, making your home even more tantalizing to pests. Pests inhabit vacant areas of your home, thriving in the darkness. An infestation within an attic or basement is remarkably common. While setting up your holiday decor, be on the lookout for pests hiding beneath your ornaments, as they could be latent under the branches of your tree. This is why you should thoroughly inspect boxes, as well as holiday decor. Make sure to thoroughly shake your tree before placing it in your living room. 

Common Invading Pests During The Holidays

Many different pests can invade your Queen Creek home during the holidays; however, some are more likely than others to make their way inside. Spiders, rats, and mice are especially common pests during the winter months. Many arachnids love to evade sight. An unused box is a perfect environment for a brown recluse or black widow, two venomous spiders common in North America. You may transfer these unused boxes into your living room, unintentionally inviting spiders into your Queen Creek home. Like many spiders, rodents evade sight. They frequently infiltrate homes during the winter months to escape the cold. You may find rats scurrying about your attic. 

What Attracted Them To My Home?

To prevent an infestation, you’ll need to know why pests chose your household to infest. Homes that offer easy access through holes, crevices, or crawl spaces are vulnerable to infestation. Homes with messy environments are also susceptible to infestations. Further, a family that brings in seasonal decor without first inspecting it opens itself up to an infestation. 

How To Spot Signs Of Pests In Your Queen Creek Home

Luckily, pests often leave behind subtle and occasionally overt signs of their presence. Try answering the following questions to determine whether or not you’ve been infested:

  • Can you see brown capsule-shaped droppings covering your holiday decor?  
  • Do you see bite marks on your lights?
  • Is some of your seasonal decor chewed up or broken?
  • Can you smell urine in your home?
  • Can you see cobwebs in stored boxes?
  • Can you see transparent shed skin mixed in with your decor?

Preventing An Infestation

After a meeting with a pest control expert, you should develop a plan to prevent future infestations. Having gained an understanding of why pests invade, you can now prevent future infestations. Here are a few tips to render your home less vulnerable: 

  • Examine any containers or boxes for signs of an infestation. You should wear gloves.
  • Look for bite marks on your decor. 
  • Keep your firewood a safe distance of about 20 feet away from your home. 
  • Regularly take out your trash.
  • After purchasing your food in bulk for the coming winter months, make sure to inspect food products for pantry pests. 
  • Store your holiday decor in airtight containers. 
  • Maintain a clean home. Vacuum your carpets, and clean your countertops. Declutter your living room, and organize your garage. 

Call The Pros!

To remove holiday pests from your Queen Creek home, you should call the experts. Pests can be difficult to remove without the proper guidance. The pros can control your infestation and provide tips concerning prevention. You shouldn’t have to deal with an infestation on top of all your other expenses, and you shouldn’t have to worry about pests during the holiday season. Call the pros!