Are You Tired Of Dealing With The Scorpions In Queen Creek?


Scorpions are not exclusive to Queen Creek - they live in the desert all around Phoenix. The entire state of Arizona is home to these eight-legged pests. If you live in or are visiting Queen Creek, there's a good chance you'll run into one of these critters at some point.

Scorpions are not exclusive to Queen Creek - they live in the desert all around Phoenix. The entire state of Arizona is home to these eight-legged pests. If you live in or are visiting Queen Creek, there's a good chance you'll run into one of these critters at some point.

And while most AZ scorpions aren't venomous enough to cause serious harm, there's always a chance you'll come across a more dangerous type. If you spot a scorpion in your home, it's important to contact pest control in Queen Creek immediately.

These creatures can be challenging to get rid of on your own, and an infestation can quickly become a serious problem.

Types Of Scorpions

As mentioned above, there are different types of scorpions in Arizona. However, some of the common species you're likely to encounter in Queen Creek include:

  • The stripe-tailed scorpion: This is one of Arizona's most common scorpions. It's also one of the least venomous, but it can still deliver a painful sting.
  • The giant hairy scorpion: As you might guess from the name, this scorpion is quite large at up to seven inches in length. It's also one of the most venomous scorpions in Arizona, so be careful if you encounter one.
  • The Arizona bark scorpion: This is the type of scorpion that can deliver a deadly sting. Fortunately, it's not very common in Queen Creek.
  • Yellow ground scorpion: This species is common in Queen Creek and other parts of Arizona. It's not very venomous but can still pack a painful sting.

If you're unlucky enough to spot a scorpion in your home, don't try to remove it yourself. These pests can be dangerous, and it's best to leave them to the experts. Contact pest control as soon as possible to get rid of the problem before it becomes worse.

Don't Accidentally Attract Scorpions

While you can't wholly avoid scorpions in Queen Creek, there are some things you can do to minimize your chances of encountering them. Here are a few tips:

  • Don't leave food or water out overnight
  • Store your food in airtight containers
  • Keep your home and yard clean and free of clutter
  • Remove any piles of rocks or wood where scorpions like to hide
  • Clear out any dense vegetation around your home
  • Seal up any cracks or openings where scorpions might enter

Following these tips will keep your family and pets safe from the different types of scorpions in Queen Creek. However, the best way to keep your home scorpion-free is to contact pest control for regular inspections and treatment.

Six Facts About Scorpions You Probably Didn't Know

Despite their infamous reputation, there are probably a few things you don't know about scorpions. Here are six fun facts about these eight-legged critters:

  1. Scorpions glow under ultraviolet light
  2. They're excellent swimmers
  3. They can survive without food for up to a year
  4. Baby scorpions look like spiders
  5. Scorpion venom is being studied as a potential treatment for cancer
  6. The largest scorpion in the world is the giant forest scorpion, which can grow up to nine inches long

The next time you come across big black scorpions on your property, don't panic. These critters are pretty interesting - even if they can be dangerous. If you're worried about an infestation, contact a professional pest control company for expert assistance.

Total Scorpion Control For Queen Creek Residents

Queen Creek is home to some of the most dangerous scorpions in Arizona. If you're concerned about an infestation, it's crucial to contact pest control right away. These experts can help you eliminate scorpions and keep them from coming back.

For same-day scorpion control in Queen Creek, contact Quell Pest Control. We know all about scorpions and how to get rid of them. We understand your home is your castle, and we will do everything possible to protect it.

Call us today for a free consultation.