How To Tell If The Spiders In Your Queen Creek Home Are Dangerous

up close image of a black widow spider in its web

Spiders!! Just hearing the word is enough to send shivers down the spine of most people in Queen Creek and across the United States. In fact, the fear of spiders is consistently ranked in the top five fears of most Americans. But despite their appearance in horror movies, Halloween decorations, and most of our nightmares, the majority of spiders we see in Queen Creek aren’t dangerous.

Most species of spiders are content to hide in the dark corners of our house and hide from human contact. Unfortunately, these interactions are sometimes unavoidable. The question is, how do you know which spiders are dangerous and which ones are harmless? The pros at Quell Pest Control want to help you learn the difference and keep you safe from potentially dangerous spider interactions.

Dangerous Spiders In Queen Creek

While most spiders you will find in or around your Queen Creek home are harmless, there are a few species that are dangerous. Here are the two species of spider in Queen Creek that you need to be aware of:

Black widow: The black widow is probably the most well-known spider in the world. It is easily recognizable by its black color and distinct red hourglass marking on its abdomen. They build messy, irregular webs at ground level, and their typical habitats include dark, dry, protected locations like sheds, garages, outbuildings, firewood piles, hollow stumps, under stones, and underneath decks. Symptoms of a black widow bite include fever, nausea, excess sweating, and increased blood pressure. Without proper medical treatment, black widow bites can result in death.

Brown recluse: The brown recluse is also known as the fiddleback or violin spider. They are brown in color and easily identifiable by the darker brown violin-shaped marking on their back. They make their home in dark areas like woodpiles, closets, and basements. A brown recluse bite starts as a small blister and develops over three or more hours. Restlessness, fever, and trouble sleeping are all symptoms of a brown recluse bite.

If you suspect you have been bitten by either of these spiders, seek medical help immediately. 

How To Prevent Dangerous Spiders In Queen Creek

Spiders can be hard to see. The best way to avoid a dangerous bite is to prevent these spiders in the first place. Here are some tips for Queen Creek homeowners to keep spiders out of your home and avoid bites:

  • Store items that aren’t frequently used in sealed bags.
  • Inspect any boxes or lawn decorations for signs of spiders before you bring them inside.
  • Seal cracks and crevices around your home to keep spiders out.
  • Shake out shoes and clothes that have been on the floor before putting them on.
  • Wear gloves when moving boxes or other items that haven’t been recently used.

Keeping other pests that spiders feed on outside of your home with a home pest control plan from Quell Pest Control is also critical to keeping spiders away.

Professional Spider Control

The best thing you can do to keep dangerous spiders out of your home is work with Quell Pest Control to implement a spider control plan for your home. Our residential pest control plans are designed to keep your home safe and free of pests, including spiders. Keeping other pests like ants and flies that are prey for spiders also helps keep these dangerous pests out.

Don’t put yourself or your family at risk for a dangerous spider interaction. Contact us today and let Quell Pest Control develop a spider control plan to keep your home spider-free, so you can enjoy life without worrying about a dangerous bite or letting your fear of spiders drive you crazy.